Family Mysteries

FAMILY MYSTERIES  - Do you have a family mystery? Solved or unsolved, please send it to your webservants. For example, Christina thinks she is one year older than what I was taught to be her age. It may be because Japanese culture considered a baby to be one year old the day she or he is born. Her birth certificate is ambiguous because the year stamp is different from another year entry. I keep telling Dale that he robbed the cradle!

Another wonderment just to me is, Where did I get my high bulging forehead? -jyt

Unknown Cause of Death.

Bessie Kiyome Sakakura died from an unknown cause at age 46 on 2/10/1946. Jean Takako Fujimori Yamaoka McLaughlin - Although her illness was digestive related, I am unsure of exactly how she died in 2004.


Who killed Evelyn Okubo?

One of Caroline Fujimori's natori students June's sister Evelyn Okubo was one of the California delegates to the Japanese American League Convention at the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago in 1970. Julia Yamaoka Thorn was the oratorical winner representing the West Coast and Hawaii. The event was interrupted when Evelyn and her hotel mate Carol Yamada's throats were slit. Carol survived. Evelyn's mother owned Mabel's Market on Madison Street in Stockton. Evelyn had devised the clever idea of listing the Sunday School girls so that everyone would have to take a turn in sitting next to the boys at the Stockton Buddhist Church.