We are growing this information to try to learn what our progeny may face and for which to prepare. If you had or have a medical condition to contribute to our data bank, please email your webservants. If you know what your family members died of, please email your webservants the names, conditions, and ages at death.
We are growing this information to try to learn what our progeny may face and for which to prepare. If you had or have a medical condition to contribute to our data bank, please email your webservants. If you know what your family members died of, please email your webservants the names, conditions, and ages at death.
Known Medical Conditions
Known Medical Conditions
Both Christina Yamaoka Kusaba and Julia Yamaoka Thorn had endometroid carcinoma, Julia at age 58 in 2010.
Both Christina Yamaoka Kusaba and Julia Yamaoka Thorn had endometroid carcinoma, Julia at age 58 in 2010.
Image hyperlinked to source ScienceDirect
Causes of Death
Causes of Death
George Juichi Fujimori died at age 77 in 1957. Melody had atrial fibrillation. No blood relation to Juichi - Don Hiroshi Yamaoka suffered a stroke at age 47 but survived in 1968. No blood relation to Juichi nor to Don- Shigeo Takeda who was suffering from dementia, died of dementia/stroke at age 86 on 1/3/1973.
George Juichi Fujimori died at age 77 in 1957. Melody had atrial fibrillation. No blood relation to Juichi - Don Hiroshi Yamaoka suffered a stroke at age 47 but survived in 1968. No blood relation to Juichi nor to Don- Shigeo Takeda who was suffering from dementia, died of dementia/stroke at age 86 on 1/3/1973.
Image hyperlinked to source, Stroke - Cerebral Vascular Accident or CVA?: Symptoms, Treatment, Avoidance
Rose Shinko Fujimori Iguichi and her daughter Sumi Iguchi both had heart disease. Rose died at age 93 in 1992. Sumi died at age 70 in 1993. No blood relation to Juichi - Alice Takeda Kataoka died of congestive heart failure at age 91 on 1/10/2023.
Rose Shinko Fujimori Iguichi and her daughter Sumi Iguchi both had heart disease. Rose died at age 93 in 1992. Sumi died at age 70 in 1993. No blood relation to Juichi - Alice Takeda Kataoka died of congestive heart failure at age 91 on 1/10/2023.
Image hyperlinked to source, the American Heart Association article on How to Keep Heart Healthy
Caroline Tsugiye Fujimori suffered a brain aneurysm at age 84 (2005) and passed away two days later. The morning it began, she had a terrible headache and nausea.
Caroline Tsugiye Fujimori suffered a brain aneurysm at age 84 (2005) and passed away two days later. The morning it began, she had a terrible headache and nausea.
Image hyperlinked to source Johns Hopkins Brain Aneurysm
Personality Quirks
Personality Quirks
Dr. John Katsumi Fujimori and Dr. Arthur Yoshikazu Sakakura were geniuses but could be difficult to deal with. John learned German, Latin, and Japanese for his medical degrees in both Japan and the USA. Yet, he had an enigmatic personality at home which was different in his warm interactions with Jean Takako and her children. Yoshikazu was Rohwer HS valedictorian and entered MIT at age 16. He was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Yet he was aloof and called by students Professor Sock-it-to-me. He resisted West Coast Fujimori and Yamaoka family outreaches to him.
Dr. John Katsumi Fujimori and Dr. Arthur Yoshikazu Sakakura were geniuses but could be difficult to deal with. John learned German, Latin, and Japanese for his medical degrees in both Japan and the USA. Yet, he had an enigmatic personality at home which was different in his warm interactions with Jean Takako and her children. Yoshikazu was Rohwer HS valedictorian and entered MIT at age 16. He was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Yet he was aloof and called by students Professor Sock-it-to-me. He resisted West Coast Fujimori and Yamaoka family outreaches to him.
Image hyperlinked to source and article.
Jean Takako Fujimori Yamaoka has been reported as spoiled and self-centered in youth. Before the war she attended the exclusive Ochanomizu Kateriya with girls from the Japanese Imperial family. The WWII Rohwer Camp ordeal did no good for her mental balance. Seemingly divorced from reality, she was agony to live with. She once told her daughter Julia that her own mother Hae Fujimori was much, much worse, more demanding, and more violent in her emotional and verbal abuse.
Jean Takako Fujimori Yamaoka has been reported as spoiled and self-centered in youth. Before the war she attended the exclusive Ochanomizu Kateriya with girls from the Japanese Imperial family. The WWII Rohwer Camp ordeal did no good for her mental balance. Seemingly divorced from reality, she was agony to live with. She once told her daughter Julia that her own mother Hae Fujimori was much, much worse, more demanding, and more violent in her emotional and verbal abuse.
Are there any more Mommy Dearests out there? We could start a support group!
Image hyperlinked to more info.