Caroline Tsugiye Takeda

windows to prevent being injured by broken glass. Hard to imagine being an American citizen working for the Japanese government and fearing for their lives whenever they heard the American planes flying by.

The sisters survived the war and stayed in Japan for another three years.  Because of their fluency in Japanese and English, they ended up helping the American military with the reconstruction of Japan in 1946 by working in an American government office. Both were in Japan until 1949 when they returned to Sacramento. While they were in Japan for nine years, their family did not receive any news about their situation, not even knowing if they were still alive. The Takeda family members were at the Tule Lake internment camp until 1945. Fortunately, the family was reunited and returned to their home on Sixth St. in Sacramento. 

In the early 1950s, Caroline and Mitsuye began to teach Japanese classical dance all over northern California, traveling by Greyhound Bus every weekend. They had students in San Jose, Stockton, Sacramento, Walnut Grove, Marysville, and Florin. They both did what they loved to do. 

Caroline Tsugiye Takeda Fujimori (1921-2005)

Caroline Tsugiye Takeda was born on January 3, 1921 to Shigeo and Fusa Takeda in Sacramento, California. They had six daughters – Kazuye Jean (1919-1989), Tsugiye Caroline (1921-2005), Mitsuye Dorothy (1922-1960), Rose (1924-2021), Lily (1925-2004), and Alice (1931-2023). Shigeo ran Capital Fish Company in the Japanese district near downtown Sacramento. Fusa was a stay at home mother and encouraged her daughters to learn the Japanese culture. Tsugiye Caroline’s favorite hobby was learning the art of Japanese classical dance. 

Caroline graduated from Sacramento High School in 1939. She waited for her sister Mitsuye to graduate in 1940 before going to Tokyo to study Japanese classical dance at the Hanayagi School of dance. When Japan became involved in WWII, they had to work in a Japanese airplane factory outside of Tokyo. With American airplanes bombing the area, Caroline recalls hearing the planes overhead and they had to protect themselves by taping the glass 

Caroline's Photo Gallery

Fusa Takeda, age 20 born 1921, and baby Caroline circa Spring 1921. Fusa was a picture bride married to Shigeo, who was 13 years older than she.

Mitsuye, Rose, Shigeo, Alice, Kazuye, Fusa, Lily, Caroline

Graduation 1939 from Sacramento High School

Caroline, LIly, Kazue, Rose, Sam who is the yoshi as Takeda married to Kazue, Alice, Mitsuye. Seated Shigeo and Fusa. Circa after 1949 and before 1952.

Circa early 2000s

Circa 1940s                                                   Circa early 1950s                                           Mitsuye & Carolina, Sacto, CA                   Circa 1960s passport photo